Watch the Trailer

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Rolling with Kim and Rylan

Kim MacNaughton (dear friend and cinematographer) and Rylan Kerbes (very sound Location Sound guy) were the backbone of the last shoot in Vancouver for "The U.S. and Us". We covered a lot of ground that day, from shooting U.S. dollars cascading down a West End fountain to 'The Greatest Threat Facing Canadians' poll in Grandview Park on Commercial Drive. At day's end, we were at English Bay for magic hour, where we shot Uncle Sam and Izzy Lagoon as 'Canada Dog' (but no animals were hurt....). 'Magic' is that beautiful light before sunset but it is also achieved when the crew really 'gets' what you're trying to say, however silly it may seem, and are dedicated to the issues and artistic vision.

1 comment:

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